Online services (former SIFA)

Admissions, rankings, enrolment

These services are for:

  • prospective students
  • graduates of University of Milan without valid access login 
  • for24 students

Current students can find all services accessing UnimiaTo login you need valid University credentials.

Services are not available between 01:00 am and 02:00 am. They request cookies.


To login you need valid University credentials: prospective students or graduates before 2010 must register to the University. You will thus create a personal username and password to be used thereafter in accessing admission and enrolment procedures, as well as guidance and information services.
You can access the University's services by using your SPID identity. Further information is available on the Registration page.


Unimia error resolved

The technical issue with Unimia has now been resolved and the service has been restored.

Final ranking for International mobility contributions academic year 2023/2024

The final ranking list for international mobility contributions a.y. 2023/2024 has been published.

The outcome is available in your online helpdesk, under "Right to study, grants, accommodation and catering" > "if you want to access the details of the rankings published in the last two academic years".

Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes a.a. 2025/26

Applications to open-admission Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 are open.

Non-EU students VISA applicants can apply for admission until 30 April 2025.

For all programmes, is necessary to apply for an admission test/selection or evaluation (master) a few tests are selective and competitive, others are non selective, however mandatory, and aimed at assessing applicants knowledges in specific disciplinary fields. Only if you pass the admission you can enrol. 


The request for previous career assessment of the student's academic career must be submitted only if required by the call for applications, and only for Bachelor's and single-cycle degree programmes. Please review the call for applications for the deadlines and any transcript requirements. The application for career abbreviation is not valid for the recognition of foreign qualifications.

For the request for previous career assessment a 75 Euro fee is due.

For most programmes, is necessary to apply for an admission test/selection or evaluation: a few tests are selective and competitive, others are non selective, however mandatory, and aimed at assessing applicants knowledges in specific disciplinary fields. Only if you pass the admission you can enrol. 


Ranking Lists 

PhD enrolment renewal

Renewal must be done exclusively online, by accessing the dedicated service through the student’s personal page on UNIMIA  - SIFA services - Registration and enrolment services – Enrolment renewal 

for24 students

All other current students:

Please use Unimia lucchetto

 Please use Unimia lucchetto

  • Change address and personal information
  • Administrative Details
  • Certification self service
  • Badge
  • Medical assistance request 
  • Part time application
  • External transfer (other Universities)
  • Internal transfer (same University, different course)
  • Admission to degree programme final exam
  • Dissertation defense (PhD)
  • Thesis uploading
  • Students as administrative assistants


Ai sensi della legge 12 aprile 2022 n. 33, dei decreti ministeriali n. 930 del 29 luglio 2022 e n. 933 del 2 agosto 2022 e della delibera del Senato Accademico in data 13 settembre 2022, è possibile iscriversi contemporaneamente a due corsi di istruzione superiore alle condizioni specificate alla pagina Iscrizione contemporanea a due corsi di istruzione superiore.


For administrative information including matriculation, transfers, careers, exams, and degree applications, please contact the Registrars: